Nashville Alumni Chapter
Engagement Opportunites
Chapter Leadership
Committee members:
Mike Alday ‘85
Chris Alexander ‘99
Keith Gregg ‘82
Josh Gruner ‘02
Miles Kirkland ‘90
Johnson Phillips ‘96
Want to get involved? Contact Lee Davis, any committee member, or Advancement Office, T.W. Franceson ( 423-605-2993.
Upcoming Events
Lee Davis '99
Nashville Alumni Chapter Chair
Lee was a six-year day student graduating in 1999. His activities included lacrosse, cross country, wrestling, and crew, along with S.P.I.R.I.T.U.A.L.S., Habitat for Humanity, and Amnesty International.
Lee joined ESa (Earl Swensson Associates) in 2004, and has since worked on projects in virtually all of the firm’s disciplines. As principal, he orchestrates design concepts and initiatives for predominately commercial/office and hospitality projects. Lee is typically committed for the entire duration of a project, with heavy involvement in the development and construction phases, particularly when three-dimensional documentation and BIM modeling is required. His 3D modeling, rendering and virtual walkthrough design skills have been showcased on several notable projects at ESa. Lee’s role encompasses programming and schematic design, as well as the development of construction documents.
Lee finds satisfaction in creating a building that serves its users, while speaking to the function of the building’s program and use. He believes that good design also “makes a lasting impression on the community.”