Fast Facts
McCallie School
- All-boys boarding and day school
- Founded in 1905 by Park and Spencer McCallie
- Located in Chattanooga, TN
- Grades 6-12 and postgraduate
- Boarding for grades 9-12, and postgraduate
- 140 acre campus
Our Students (2023-2024)
- 977 students
- 23 states and 19 countries
- 5 dorms
- 33.7% boarding
- 66.3% day
- 21% of boarding are international
Our Faculty
- 126 full-time faculty members
- 37 additional instructors and coaches
- 68 faculty & staff who live on campus
- 63% of faculty with postgraduate degrees
- 155 courses in 9 disciplines
- 18 AP offerings and 6 post-AP offerings
- 56 students earned AP Scholar, 25 AP Scholar with Honor, 52 AP Scholar with Distinction Status in 2024
- 5 students were recognized in the National Merit Scholarship Program in 2024; 8 Commended Scholars
- Courses in engineering, graphic design, filmmaking, and 3-D fabrication
- Innovation & Engineering lab
- Center for Animation, Video, and Entertainment (CAVE)
- Cell research lab
- Extensive History Research program
- 17 varsity sports
- 1 eSports team
- 85 team and individual state titles since 2018
- 180,000 square-foot Sports and Activities Center (SAC)
- 5,000-seat outdoor stadium with an all-weather track
- Indoor tennis facility
- Indoor golf facility with TrackMan
- 8-court squash center
- Rowing center
total students
total endowment
acre campus
varsity sports
students on financial aid